Shatter! is a 250 lbs combat robot that competes on Discovery Channel’s BattleBots, designed and built by Bots FC, a Brooklyn based combat robotics team founded by myself, my brother Eric, and my good friend Matt Bores.
We’ve made dozens of different robots weighing anywhere from 1 lbs to 250 lbs, appeared on 4 different television programs on 3 different continents, won multiple championships, and made lifelong memories. Episodes we’ve appeared on in China have had over 100 million views (per episode!), and our robots have multiple videos on US social media sites (Instagram, Tik Tok, YouTube, Facebook) with 10+ million views.
Combat robotics combines many skills, from the obvious mechanical engineering and design needs, to the less obvious things like international shipping logistics and supplier management, to the unexpected need to manage social media pages and sponsorship relationships.
We have a lot of fun with the design and engineering of Shatter! - we proved omnidirectional robots could be competitive, we created the first brushless DC motor powered hammer, and pioneered the use of ‘ablative armor’ in combat robotics. Recently, we’ve started using generative design to optimize our weapons.
I am proud to compete on an international stage in the same sport which years ago inspired me to go into mechanical engineering. It’s a lifelong dream come true.
skills: Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Design, Manufacturing Design, FEA, Logistics, Social Media, Machining, Public Speaking, Hot Glue
years: 2016-Present