Palo started out as a concept for the future of "payphones" in NYC. A cross discipline team was assembled to completely rethink what a "payphone" could be in the current world. The final concept was awarded "best visual design and user experience" by New York City officials in 2013, an IDEA Silver in 2014, and a "Professional Notable" in the 2014 Core77 design awards.
frog partnered with startup LQD Wifi to bring the beacon concept to market as the 'Palo' integrated many of the features of the conceptual device with small-cell 5G distribution. Palo was deployed in multiple US cities as LQD Wifi was acquired by Verizon in November of 2016. An international offshoot of the Palo project is currently in widespread use in Holland.
skills: Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Design
years: 2013 - 2018